If you buy a product at a store, the product is required to clearly display where it was made. This allows shoppers to make an informed decision about the item, and to understand where it comes from.

Online retailers should be required to clearly display the location of manufacture as part of the purchasing process.

As I write this on 1 May, 2020, I do not see where these pencils are made, or where this television was built. This does not seem right – buyers should have the right to buy local if they want. This information will give them a better ability to do that.

Michael Josem is a long-term consumer advocate, most prominently as a global leader in combating fraud in the online gambling industry. He was in part the inspiration for the 20th Century Fox Movie, Runner Runner, starring Ben Affleck and Justin Timberlake.

Josem has over a decade of experience as a senior business leader working across various high-tech and online industries, and takes action to build a better community. His primary volunteer roles include service for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and Graih, the homelessness charity.

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