World Down Syndrome Day is celebrated on March 21st every year to raise awareness and advocate for the rights, inclusion, and well-being of people with Down syndrome. It happens to coincide with the anniversary of the first-ever performance of the Isle of Man’s national anthem on March 21st, 1907.

World Down Syndrome Day is a day to celebrate the unique abilities and achievements of people with Down syndrome, as well as to highlight the challenges they face and the importance of promoting their full participation and integration in society. The day also serves as an opportunity to challenge stereotypes and negative attitudes towards people with Down syndrome, and to promote a better world for all humans.

Every human being, regardless of their demographics, deserves to be treated with equal dignity and respect. This includes people with Down syndrome and other disabilities, who often face extermination, discrimination, stigma, and marginalisation in various aspects of their lives.

However, when we recognize and value the unique contributions and perspectives of all individuals, and provide them with fair opportunities and support, we can create a more equitable and just society for everyone. World Down Syndrome Day reminds us of the importance of embracing every human and of our opportunity to build a world where every human can thrive and reach their full potential.

Michael Josem is a long-term consumer advocate, most prominently as a global leader in combating fraud in the online gambling industry. He was in part the inspiration for the 20th Century Fox Movie, Runner Runner, starring Ben Affleck and Justin Timberlake.

Josem has over a decade of experience as a senior business leader working across various high-tech and online industries, and takes action to build a better community. His primary volunteer roles include service for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and Graih, the homelessness charity.