At last months’ general election, two members of the Legislative Council were elected to the Isle of Man’s House of Keys. Thus, there are two casual vacancies that must be filled until March 2023.

I think it would be indecent for any person who was unsuccessful in September’s general election to put themselves forward as candidates for the casual vacancies for the Legislative Council.

If someone has had their application to serve in Tynwald declined by the public, they certainly should not go through the back door of getting the Club Disney members to install them in the Legislative Council.

At the same time, it would also be inappropriate to appoint people who did not even have the courage to put themselves to the judgement of the people.

Thus, we are in a quandary: to find people who did not have their applications to serve in Tynwald declined by the public, but who also have had sufficient courage to put themselves to the judgment of the people of Mann. In addition, since these terms in the Legislative Council are relatively short, it would be best to find people who could hit the ground running.

There is a small group of people: former members of the House of Keys who have previously resigned from public life. Now is the time to call on these people to step up and serve our nation again.

Some are, of course, quite elderly, and are likely enjoying their retirement, so we need to find people who are still (relatively) young and able to commit to the role.

There’s a few such people who are still alive, and might be coaxed to serve the remaining two years of the current MLC terms:

  • Bill Shimmins
  • Peter Karran
  • Richard Ronan
  • John Shimmin
  • Kate Beecroft
  • Howard Quayle

I doubt that most of them would be interested in the job. Obviously, I couldn’t imagine Beecroft or Quayle serving in the role due to their current life circumstances. Those people are, I think, all of the people who fulfil the following three criteria:

  • Have subjected themselves to public election
  • Won their last public election
  • Aged under 65 years of age

(Someone older might well be another credible candidate, so the cut-off of 65 years of age is somewhat arbitrary.)

They would also have the benefit of contributing some organisational memory, can hit the ground running, and each have a demonstrated interest in serving in Tynwald.

Michael Josem is a long-term consumer advocate, most prominently as a global leader in combating fraud in the online gambling industry. He was in part the inspiration for the 20th Century Fox Movie, Runner Runner, starring Ben Affleck and Justin Timberlake.

Josem has over a decade of experience as a senior business leader working across various high-tech and online industries, and takes action to build a better community. His primary volunteer roles include service for the Commonwealth War Graves Commission, and Graih, the homelessness charity.